Andlinger Center for the Humanities

Andlinger Center for the Humanities

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Princeton University - Princeton, New Jersey

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Ten programs in cultural and language studies, comparative literature, and linguistics have been incorporated within two of Princeton University’s earliest examples of Gothic revival architecture: East Pyne and Chancellor Green.  The two structures were built as the University library, and fifty years after the library moved out, retained the limited access patterns of the original use.  The renovation rationalized circulation, and added new entrances off the central courtyard.  Below the courtyard, newly excavated space houses a lecture hall and language lab.   The historic main room of Chancellor Green has been restored as a student lounge.  Below, a new café provides a modern retail space, where students can meet with friends and get a light meal or cup of coffee.



Award of Honor, Princeton Preservation Society

The new uses, and the restored historic spaces, provide a unifying identity to the Humanities at Princeton. The Andlinger Center is one of the University’s most successful renovations.
— Jon Hlafter, University Architect (retired), Princeton
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Structural Engineer: LeMessurier Consultants
Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical Engineer: TMP Consulting Engineers
Civil Engineer: Van Note-Harvey Associates
Landscape Architect: Quennell Rothschild & Partners LLP
Geotechnical Engineer: Geotech, Inc.
Lighting Designer: Brandston Partnership
A/V and Acoustical Design:  Acentech Inc.
Elevator Consultant:  Lerch Bates & Associates
Stained Glass Consulting: Femenella & Associates
Construction Manager: Humphreys and Harding, Inc.
Photographer: © Matt Wargo

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